
By: Holly Bayer, ASID

Do you ever notice the occasional, “slow-down and drive-by,” in your neighborhood?  Whether it’s a visitor looking for house numbers or a leisurely onlooker, deep down we are all voyeurs.  It’s unavoidable.  Look at the quantity of home shows and tours from spring through fall if you don’t believe me.  We absolutely love to know what the insides of each other’s homes look like.

If you stand across the street from your house and pretend to not know about the dishes in your sink or the laundry in the bedroom, what would you imagine the inside of your home to look like?  What does a passerby conjure in their imagination simply by looking at the front exterior of your home?

Maybe your exterior door and façade is prim, proper and well kept.  Perhaps there are toys and garden tools strung about the yard.  Is the front door generally open or shut and what does it say about the rest of your home?  Is it painted a bright color, begging for another look?  Does it match the trim of your house?  Is it a door the previous homeowner chose?

Your front door, used or not used, is the first impression your house makes to every person driving or walking past.  And depending on how often you walk through your own front door, it impresses itself upon you, too.  What do you want your front door to say about you?  Details to be admired, a quiet look so as not to attract strangers or a grand entrance not unlike a scene out of Dallas?

Inspiration images abound, find a door that looks like it was meant to be on your house and go after it!  We’ll talk about what your garage door looks like next time…